Dr. Hale
University of Nebraska at Omaha
CYBR 8470
become a javascript sorcer{{#if user.isFemale}}ess{{else}}er{{/if}}
Part 1: Client-side App Frameworks
Part 2: Case study - Ember.js
helps you write rich web applications that are well structured (MVC) and backend agnostic.
Helps you cut down the amount of boiler plate code within your application significantly
Easily integrates with third party JavaScript libraries and CSS libraries
Improves usability and app reactivity
Technology of tomorrow for building responsive web applications
Traditional Websites
Client-side Apps
Traditional Websites
Client-side Apps
Full JavaScript application sent on the first request
Subsequent requests only transmit data
Usually have a rich application-like user interface
Faster navigation and user interaction
Supports the rich feature set that users have come to expect from modern web based applications
Keeps both the application state and each user’s state on the server
If the user requests data to be updated, a complete new page is generated and transferred over the wire to the browser
Traditional server-side app
Still Keeps both the application state and each user’s state on the server
Still the same number of page requests and processes on the server-side, less overall data transferred results in less bandwidth consumption.
server-side app with Ajax
5. Partial Response
Application and user state is maintained on the client side.
One full page request at the start of the session. Then just data requests.
Huge reduction in server-side resources, since application only invokes API methods when data is needed, not necessarily whenever a new page is viewed.
Comparison: Click on 10 static pages (100KB/ea) and perform 5 dynamic actions on data (10KB) in each page (with 10,000 daily users).
Per Day
10∗10,000 = 100,000 page loads
10 ∗ 5 ∗ 10,000 = 500,000 loads with data
100,000 ∗100KB + 500,000 ∗110KB
= 65 GB bandwidth consumed
server-side w/ajax
10∗10,000= 100,000 page loads
10∗5∗10000=500,000 partial page loads
100,000 ∗100KB + 500,000∗10KB
= 15 GB bandwidth consumed
Faster page transitions
1 ∗ 10,000 page loads
10 ∗ 5 ∗ 10000=500,000 data api calls
10,000 ∗ 100KB + 500,000∗10KB =
6 GB bandwidth consumed
Instant page transitions
Comparison: Click on 10 static pages (100KB/ea) and perform 5 dynamic actions on data (10KB) in each page (with 10,000 daily users).
The savings adds up
59 GB / Day
413 GB / Week
21535 GB / Year (21.5TB)
Amazon WS Charges about 8¢ per GB
So… over the year that’s about $1722 in savings from pure server-side to client-side app. If you scale up to 100k daily users its $17,220, 1M daily users $172,200…etc
Facebook has 936M daily users
Hence this kind of change is about 159 million dollars in savings yearly for them.
Browser-based MVC framework
Eliminates spaghetti code
Provides a standard (good) architecture for building apps
Makes hard things (variable bindings) easy to do
Client-side app
Data Store
Credit: https://images.app.goo.gl/doSiuXjjm2523Yxx9
Credit: https://images.app.goo.gl/doSiuXjjm2523Yxx9
The router is the switchboard statemachine that tells ember what to load based on the user’s request (urls).
Ember models are just javascript objects to represent data on the clientside
The components are reusable views and code that handles user actions.
Templates are groups of HTML elements. They work seamlessly with components to allow components to define new HTML element types. They can bind to variables and can update dynamically as variables change.
Ember ships with its own CLI tooling for creating new files within the ember namespace. It uses NPM and yarn to handle gathering required packages.
It also has a MASSIVE addon community that supports so many use cases. Often you just need to do ember install <addon> to fully implement something you need.
More info at emberaddons.com
hint: build into /backend/static/ember folder
© 2014-2023 Matthew L. Hale or as listed
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Associate Professor, Cybersecurity
x: @mlhale