
This repo contains a digitized version of the course content for CYBR8470 Secure Web App Development at the University of Nebraska at Omaha.

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Penetration Testing


In this module, you will probe the server you created before to see how insecure API endpoints can be.


By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to:

Table of Contents

Step 1: Where we left off

When we left off, you had created an endpoint to make the button work to send a message to IFTTT. We had to store our API key on the server to make this work. Our endpoint accepted a POST request that was handled by a controller that sent a request to an IFTTT webhook, before then saving a new event to our own API.

In this lesson, we will take a look at the security our API, including the implications of this service integration to see how our server isn’t well protected against attacks.

Step 2: Key Penetration Testing Concepts

Penetration testing is a special kind of software testing that evaluates the attack surface of an application for potential software weaknesses that if left unaddressed can lead to exploitable vulnerabilities. At the end of a penetration test, testers have more information about their product and more assurance that it will operate correctly in the real world. This section overviews the basics of testing.

At its core, penetration testing, is about trying to make an app do something it wasn’t designed for and discover oversights or problems in the implementation and design.

First of all, what is this?


Image credit: Bruegge and Dutoit, Object-oriented Software Engineering: Using UML, Patterns, and Java, Prentice Hall, 2010


Image credit: Bruegge and Dutoit, Object-oriented Software Engineering: Using UML, Patterns, and Java, Prentice Hall, 2010

Reasons for Errors

There can be many different scenarios that lead to errors.

bad design

Image credit: Katerina Kamprani (Wired),


Image credit: Bruegge and Dutoit, Object-oriented Software Engineering: Using UML, Patterns, and Java, Prentice Hall, 2010


Image credit: Bruegge and Dutoit, Object-oriented Software Engineering: Using UML, Patterns, and Java, Prentice Hall, 2010

What can we do about errors and faults?

We can Test! The goal of testing is to discover faults before they lead to errors. Once we know what is wrong, we can mitigate it in some way to prevent it from becoming an issue.


Image credit: Bruegge and Dutoit, Object-oriented Software Engineering: Using UML, Patterns, and Java, Prentice Hall, 2010


Image credit: Bruegge and Dutoit, Object-oriented Software Engineering: Using UML, Patterns, and Java, Prentice Hall, 2010


Image credit: Bruegge and Dutoit, Object-oriented Software Engineering: Using UML, Patterns, and Java, Prentice Hall, 2010


Image credit: Bruegge and Dutoit, Object-oriented Software Engineering: Using UML, Patterns, and Java, Prentice Hall, 2010

Step 3: Penetration testing process

Ok, so we understand the basics of testing. How do developers think about penetration testing?

Often use cases and user stories are used to define what a system should be doing.

Once you know what the app should do, you can define misuse cases or misuser stories that describe how bad actors might abuse or impair the use cases and user stories. These misuse scenarios guide the kind of penetration testing you might do.

Anytime your app is on the internet you end up having a basic set of misuse cases that revolve around the exploitation of web resources for nefarious purposes.

A short list of misuse cases includes:

These goals, which can be written like user stories often involve some form of web-based-attack. We are going to look at our server, created in the previous lesson to see where it may have weaknesses that leave it vulnerable to attack.

In general, you can follow this flow chart for thinking about penetration testing (and testing in general):

penetration testing

Test Coverage

In practice, when you are evaluating real-world apps, you want to have strong coverage across the app’s attack surface to ensure you don’t miss something by being too focused in one particular area.

I like to think of tests graphically:

penetration testing

Unfortunately, the surface is not the only place where vulnerabilities can occur.

penetration testing

Step 4: Getting started testing in POSTMAN

We’ve created this pretty cool API and nice client-side interface to use it. However, as you will see, our API is, by default, pretty insecure! In the next sections, we will see just how bad it is by using some penetration tests to identify and highlight problems.

Note: This assumes your work is completed from the previous lesson.

Step 5: Exploring Authentication and permissions

The first issue on our server is that it doesn’t enforce authentication. This violates the least privilege first principle because anonymous users should only be able to login, not see or interact with data.

Note your data items probably look slightly different than mine, since I am developing this lesson and haven’t loaded much data in the app!

Note your data items probably look slightly different than mine, since I am developing this lesson and haven’t loaded much data in the app!

What gives? Our data is still visible when we are logged out. This is because our server is not enforcing authentication on its API endpoints.

That means that anyone can get this data?

Yeah pretty much.

Lets confirm this from POSTMAN:

Unauthenticated GET Request

Note your data items probably look slightly different than mine, since I am developing this lesson and haven’t loaded much data in the app!

Step 6: Examine the attack surface of our app

Our web server exposes several endpoints for end-user consumption, look at the files django_backend/ and /api/ in our nebraska-gencyber-dev-env folder. From these we see that the urls accepted by our server are:

For our purposes, we will assume that the open source, highly reviewed, and security tested code from the Django Admin Package and the Django REST Framework library have been sufficiently assessed.

NOTE: In practice, you want to be careful about making too many assumptions about the security of third party libraries.

That means we need to assess the security of each of the other endpoints.

Step 7: Exploring the home method

Starting from the bottom up, the first method of interest is the home method in

This method simply returns an index.html file.

def home(request):
   Send requests to / to the ember.js clientside app
   return render_to_response('ember/index.html',
               {}, RequestContext(request))

Where does index.html come from? We can answer that question by looking in the django_backend/ file:

You will see:

        'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
        'DIRS': [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static/ember/")],
        'APP_DIRS': True,
        'OPTIONS': {
            'context_processors': [

This configuration setting joins the operating system’s BASE_DIR (or base directory) to the static/ember/ directory. This means, it looks for /<path-where-django-exists>/static/ember/. For us that is ../backend/static/ember/. If we look in that folder we will see the index.html file that loads in the javascript and other files associated with the client you have been looking at all of this time when you visit http://localhost

In practice you would need to do a full assessment of the client. For now, we will assume it is ‘safe’ from the point of view of the server.

Overall, our server should assume that clients can be compromised and, therefore, focus on securing any backend functionality. This follows a defense in depth approach.

What Cybersecurity First Principle might that be?

Step 7: Explore the ActivateIFTTT endpoint

Next up is the ActivateIFTTT class. We created this controller in the previous lesson. Since this endpoint includes a POST request handler, we should carefully review and assess it.

First Question

The first question is does it require authentication? Authentication should be used anytime you want to restrict access to data as part of an effort of information hiding.

Should ActivateIFTTT require authentication, what about the event controller?

Keep track of your answers.

Second Question

Since it accepts data as part of the POST request, the second question is related to how it checks the data submitted in the request. It is important to check any data submitted to a server to ensure that it conforms to accepted types. This is called type checking and is referred to in the web world as parameterization or parameterized requests.

What data does our method accept? Does it type check the data? Is our method an example of a parameterized request?

Third Question

Sometimes you want to restrict access to data based on who is making the request (and sometimes why they are making it). This is the principle of least privilege - that is, only give access to people that need it when they need it. When looking at specific data objects a question to ask in the risk assessment process is whether or not object-level permissions are used to check access.

In our case, the question is ‘does our method restrict who can make the POST request?’ Assuming authentication was put in place, who has access?

Answering Question 1 (Authentication)

Lets evaluate authentication. This one is easy. Looking at the code we see the line: permission_classes = (AllowAny,) in the ActivateIFTTT class. This, as the name implies, literally allows anyone to access this method. We can confirm this in POSTMAN.


  "Content-Type": "application/json"


    "eventtype": "test",
    "timestamp": 1500681745,
    "userid": "myname"

We were able to create a new event without logging in! What about the ActivateIFTTT endpoint?

It works too! So clearly, authentication is not required here. It should be - since without authentication ANYONE could turn on OUR IFTTT account or create events for our devices!

Answering Question 2 (Parameterization)

The next question was whether or not the request is parameterized. Looking at our post method for Events we see that it only accepts two input fields from the requestor. Everything else is collected elsewhere:

eventtype ='eventtype')
timestamp = int('timestamp'))
userid ='userid')

Looking the the post method in ActivateIFTTT we see it only accepts two parameters.

eventtype ='eventtype')
timestamp = int('timestamp'))

We also see that overall, both methods uses the Event model schema to create a new event.

newEvent = Event(
    timestamp=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp/1000, pytz.utc),

The Event model is parameterized by definition - i.e. each of the fields are typed in the definition of the model:

class Event(models.Model):
    eventtype = models.CharField(max_length=1000, blank=False)
    timestamp = models.DateTimeField()
    userid = models.CharField(max_length=1000, blank=True)
    requestor = models.GenericIPAddressField(blank=False)

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.eventtype)

The only fields of concern here are eventtype and userid. We need to ensure that these fields are actually strings. Since accepting arbitrary string data is bad, it is also a good idea to not allow any raw special characters or symbols that can be used for nefarious purposes (like the keyword javascript or parentheses and slashes). For these characters, you want to either remove them or escape them.

Let’s test our fields.


What happened? Oops, we caused the server to generate a 500 error. This happened because it tried to turn an arbitrary string into an DateTimeField. It is good that it didn’t accept it, but it is bad that it crashed! Look at that error message it gave us!

       "eventtype": "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('Cookie'+document.cookie)</script>",
       "timestamp": 1500681745

To show you how bad storing arbitrary string text can be, the skeleton code in the original lab includes an endpoint we have ignored up to this point called xss_example. This stands for cross-site scripting example. The code for the example is loaded in a stand-alone index.html file in the /backend/static/dumb-test-app folder. Specifically, this dumb client includes the following (fairly typical) javascript method that is often used for loading data.

    <script src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
          $('#this-is-bad').append('<p>Event id:' + + ' eventtype data below:' +'</p>');


    <div id='this-is-bad'>
      <h5>This field loads in whatever data is available. This is bad. Every event loaded will be appended as a new div below this line.</h5>

If you visit, http://localhost/xss-example/ you can see this Stored XSS attack in action.

request request

Answering Question 3 (Object Level Permissions)

In this case, our method doesn’t use authentication, so it doesn’t use object-level permissions by default. If we did add authentication and wanted to check for object-level permissions. We would need to check that the code checks not just if the user is authenticated but also if they have permissions on that object to do what they are asking to do.

We may come back to this .

Step 8: Perform a similar analysis on the other endpoints

Look at the other URLs our app makes use of. Ask yourself similar questions and back them up with some tests. Keep track of the results you find as you go along.

Step 9: Exploring Error Handling Behavior

Earlier, in Step 7 we saw that sending a string in the timestamp field generated the following error message: request

The problem here is not just that the field is mishandled, but that the error gives FULL DETAILS ABOUT THE SERVER CONFIG. As you can imagine listing out all the server details is bad practice.

Accidentally revealing server information is a big problem. While this info is really helpful during development, it can expose the server if users see it in production. You can turn off debug information by setting a DEBUG = False in the /django_backend/ file.

Step 10: Risk Assessment - Summarizing your test results

For now, lets summarize the test results that we have collected to identify what our risks look like. Usually, risks are collected and then ranked according to severity (or impact) and likelihood (i.e. how probable an attack is to occur). In organizations or systems with many risks, preventing all of them isn’t always feasible. Risk prioritization can help you decide which threats to focus on first and which vulnerabilities need to be mitigated most.


Based on the risks you’ve identified, score them and rank them based what you think the likelihood and impact of exploitation might be. While our list is small (and we can mitigate all of the problems) - this tool is useful when you have limited time, money, and other resources.

Step 11: We aren’t really done

Tests are not meant to be once and done. As we talked about in the Test Driven Development discussion, you should think of tests as a driver for writing software. You should also run them almost every time you make a change to your code. This is why we need a unit testing framework to really rigrously and continuously test our code. For the purposes of this lesson, we will focus on blackbox unit tests that only test REST endpoints. We can use POSTMAN - which is actually even more amazing than we’ve seen so far.

POSTMAN uses a concept called Collections that allow you to group and run many requests with a single button. Collections also allow you to easily create blackbox tests for your rest endpoints.

It turns out that there is a great tutorial on POSTMAN collections. Lets explore that first and then return here.

Step 12: Automated tests for our REST API

Lets create some unit tests for our REST API using POSTMAN collections.

var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
tests["XSS Prevented"] = jsonData.success === false;

Lets create a test to check authentication (question 1).

var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
postman.setGlobalVariable("isauthenticated", jsonData.isauthenticated);


  "Content-Type": "application/json"


    "eventtype": "unit-test-events",
    "timestamp": 1500681745,
    "userid": "myname"

Tests tab:

var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
tests["Event Endpoint Authentication Check"] =  (jsonData.success === true) && JSON.parse(globals.isauthenticated);

Step 13: Mitigating vulnerabilities

Lets fix some of our vulnerabilities. For our XSS script, we might either 1) whitelist only certain characters (such as letters and numbers) for our event name and userid fields or 2) escape the characters in either a javascript or html format.

Look to the OWASP cheat sheet for more information on input validation. Python Bleach is a great library for doing sanitization.

Try to sanitize and validate some of the fields to make the tests pass by rejecting requests that contain unacceptable characters.

Additional Resources

For more information, investigate the following.


Lesson content: Copyright (C) Dr. Matthew Hale 2017 or as listed.
Creative Commons License
This lesson is licensed by the author under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.